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 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2023 12:28 pm 
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Amer (2009).jpg
Amer (2009).jpg [ 64.32 KiB | Viewed 524219 times ]

This video demonstrates why being an over-enthusiastic ant can be a deadly occupation.

Mr. Ant was on a roll, and having achieved success in exploring the lower regions, thought he'd take a trip over Navel Canyon, slowly working his way up the body to explore the upper regions that fellow ants had so far failed to reach.

Unfortunately Mr. Ant is no longer with us, but legend has it he died pretty fuckin' happy!

Undeterred by her effect on the male of the species, she now faces a gang of over-enthusiastic bikers. They look pretty determined themselves, and while I haven't seen the movie (yet), I'm not putting money on the bikers getting what they want, not if the way she dealt with Mr. Ant and the look on her face is anything to go by!

This is one of David's 'Revisiting Obscure Film Music' series of which I've found two so far and will post the other next time. As with the previous track I posted, the music was written by Stelvio Cipriani. It's a track called 'Un' Ombra Nell'Ombra' although it's covered here by Orgasmo Sonore so I'll list it as Cipriani/Sonore. The movie footage used is from 'Amer' (2009).

Cipriani/Sonore - 'Un' Ombra Nell' Ombra:

 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2023 2:05 pm 
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Amer Poster.jpg
Amer Poster.jpg [ 338.9 KiB | Viewed 524210 times ]

Holy fucking shit!!!

That film used in the post above (Amer) looks like a full-on modern-day Giallo! Fuck knows how I missed that one but wow, check out the trailer and poster artwork, looks proper Giallo that does and it sounds incredibly good as well, proper old-school vibe to it even though it's modern!


I even prefer the original music over the track David put to it for his custom edit, and I'm seriously puzzled now why he even did that because that amazing harpsichord alone makes the official music sound way better suited anyway (it belongs the film after all and it is a Giallo).

Very odd decision by David there I think, but either way you can bet your fucking life I'll be picking-up Amer on Blu-ray! But yeah, wow, that's proper Gialllo genre stuff for modern times that is, and it looks and sounds absolutely fucking brilliant!!!

I'm amazed to see it even exists in the Feminist and PC age of rampant censorship we currently live in so I say bravo to the film makers, BRA-FUCKING-VO!!!

This is great, I'm ecstatic to find something newly produced like this, especially these days 8)


 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 5:42 pm 
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Inga (1968).jpg
Inga (1968).jpg [ 74.27 KiB | Viewed 524135 times ]

As mentioned in the first post on this page, here's the second upload I found in the 'Revisiting Obscure Film Music' series. These appear to be dotted around David's channels and it appears that 'Orgasmo Sonore' is a modern day artist who covers these songs and self releases.

Pretty cool (and much respect here) since he's not only covering quality music from quality composers, he's making a damn fine job of it as well. The track is by 'Ennio Morricone' and is covered here by 'Orgasmo Sonore' so I'll list it as 'Morricone/Sonore'.

The movie is called 'Inga' and appears to be about a man-eating teaser who works her way through men like disposable handkerchiefs!

Morricone/Sonore - Matto, Caldo, Soldi, Morto, Girotondo:

 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 9:01 am 
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Danny Elfman - Happy.jpg
Danny Elfman - Happy.jpg [ 94.67 KiB | Viewed 524058 times ]

Danny Elfman wrote:
Eye for an eye.

It's the only way bruh, the only way.

Danny Elfman wrote:
Life is a dream so pretty and pink.

You should see my life right now, not nearly enough pretty and zero fucking pink!

Danny Elfman wrote:
Youth is wasted on the motherfucking youth.

Well in general I'd say you're not motherfucking wrong, but me personally, I couldn't wait to be an adult and would never go back to being a youth even if it were possible.

I couldn't stand school for a start, I absolutely despised the fucking place and spent more time playing truent than I did actually being there!

Anyway that's a killer track, Danny-Dark-Elfman, and that's a nice balloon you got there 8)

Danny Elfman - Happy:

 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 7:37 pm 
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Danny Elfman - Gratitude.jpg [ 139.19 KiB | Viewed 524003 times ]

Another one from Danny, this time taken from his 80s album 'So-Lo' which owning the CD, I can tell you is going to be right up your street if you love FM synths, DX7, OPSIX etc.

The album is pretty much wall-to-wall DX7, a synth which played such an important part of the sound and vibe of the album, there's even reference to 'Special DX7 Programming' mentioned on the inlay card for the synth geeks among us.

Danny Elfman - Gratitude:

 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:58 pm 
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Danny Elfman - Private Life.jpg
Danny Elfman - Private Life.jpg [ 138.76 KiB | Viewed 523929 times ]

Another one from Danny. Really loving going through his Oingo Boingo stuff again. There's a lot of tracks I don't like, but the ones I do, I like a lot, this being another example of one I do!

There's another two of his I intend to post but they're (very) dark and politically incorrect so I'll leave them for now and bundle them together for the next post. In fact I better include excerpts of the lyrics as well so that you can decide whether you want to view them or not.

There are reasons Danny Elfman earned a reputation for being dark-minded although there's no caution required for this one, so enjoy!

Danny Elfman - Private Life:

 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 7:52 pm 
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Danny Elfman - Insanity.jpg
Danny Elfman - Insanity.jpg [ 149.38 KiB | Viewed 523809 times ]

This one's called 'Insanity', one of Elfman's darker tracks and quite a hypocritical one if I'm to be perfectly honest about it.

As usual it's hard to tell whether he's purely having a stab or whether there's some self indulgence involved as well (personally I think it's a bit of both). When questioned about his tracks he states that he's out to offend, but also gives multiple different explanations as to why he wrote them. And I think he does that so that you come to your own conclusion. After all, since he gives different explanations then we know by default that at least one of them is false.

For me though, since I'm not religious, the darkest thing about this one is the video itself. It features creepy dolls being mutilated, cut open and god knows what else. I absolutely love creepy dolls so I have to remind myself that it's only a video and that every doll involved was surely stitched back up and was presented with a cup of tea and a slice of cake after the video shoot!

Lyrical Excerpt of 'Insanity':

I'm so sorry, please forgive me
Who do I pray to to straighten out this problem?

My mind has wandered from the straight and narrow
My mind has wandered from the flock you see

I am the virus, are you the cure?
I am morally, I'm morally impure

I am part of a degenerate elite
Dragging society onto the street

Do you think you're better than me?
Do you want to kill me or befriend me?

The alcoholic bastard waved his finger at me
His voice was filled with evangelical glee

Sipping down his gin & tonics
While preaching 'bout the evils of narcotics
And the evils of sex and the wages of sin
While he mentally fondles his next of kin

My mind has wandered from the flock you see
And the flock has wandered away from me

Let's imitate reality
Let's strive for mediocrity
Let's make believe we're all the same
Let's sanitize our little brains

I'd love to take you home with me and tuck you into bed
I'd love to see what makes you tick inside your pretty head
I'd love to hear you laugh tonight, I'd love to hear you weep
I'd love to listen to you while you're screaming in your sleep

I wish that I could keep you in a precious Chinese box
On Sundays I would pray for you so it would never stop

I'd love to see inside your mind and tear it all apart
To cut you open with a knife and find your sacred heart
I'd love to take your satin dolls and tear them all to shreds
I'd love to mess your pretty hair, I'd love to see you dead

Danny Elfman - Insanity:

 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 11:19 pm 
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Tales of the Unexpected.jpg [ 50.65 KiB | Viewed 523709 times ]

Bit of a story for you today (and yes it's a true one, hand on heart, no joking here).

Tales of the Unexpected. I must have been around ten years old the first time I saw it, and up until then I had never gone out of my way to specifically want to look at a female before. But it was this naked, silhouetted dancing girl that triggered my sexual awareness of women.

I changed after that and started staring at women (even creeping the occasional one out as I got a bit older). You have to realise that back then there was no internet, so all I could do was wait for the weekend to arrive so that I could watch her again. The time between used to feel like an eternity, so naturally the closest fix I could find to fill the week-long gap was other women, women in the street, total stangers and that's why I used to stare at them.

Then when I hit my teens (the worst fucking years of my life) I had to put up with all the ...

"Hey creep, why don't you take a photo, it lasts longer!"

I just used to look away as if I'd never heard them, but the funny thing is I had no interest those immature skanks at all. There were one or two girls I thought were ok but the rest of them were vile, mouthy little skanks, not one of them a patch on my dancing girl from the telly!

As I entered young adulthood, my fixation with women older than myself got even stronger (it's what got me interested in vintage movies), because as the 90s and 2000s arrived, the sheer sexiness of women dropped off a fucking cliff-edge, so vintage movies became the only way possible to see these beauties moving, breathing, talking. Vintage porn of course became the next best way to see them in all their glory.

Since I never showed much interest in girls my own age, my mother actually thought I might be gay at one point. But yeah, I'm secretly burning angry inside, you fucking bet I am. As a kid I couldn't wait to be an adult and to be with women like that, but by the time I was old enough they appear to have been replaced by slutty, foul-mouthed, head-in-phone, social media-damaged STD-spreading attention whores. Certainly not the type I'd want to marry.

Unless that changes for the better (and I doubt it ever will), then I stand firmly by my belief that they are not worthy of my effection and that's precisely why they get none from me (it's because they're not worthy).

Ron Grainer - Tales of the Unexpected:

 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 10:41 pm 
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Chris Rea.jpg
Chris Rea.jpg [ 198.46 KiB | Viewed 523627 times ]

A story behind this track, too, because a few years back the landlord had a couple of work contractors refurbish my flat. Workmen being workmen, I was dreading it since they sometimes listen to modern garbage in the charts and have it blasting from their phones. So I thought fuck that, so the night before the work was due to start, I prepared a list of tracks that would last all day until they finished work.

This track was just one of the tracks on the list, and below is pretty much a verbatim transcript of what one of them said just as it was ending after the first time he heard it:

Hey, isn't that the bloke who did Road to Hell?
Yeah, yeah.
What's he called?
Chris Rea.
Oh yeah that's it, Chris Rea, great singer, will you play that one again?
Yeah, no worries!
It's one of those tunes though, isn't it, you know what I mean?
Yeah I love stuff like that.
Yeah it's a really nice track that, sounds really sad but it's really really nice.

That's how it went, and there was me worried they might want to listen to shite all day long!
Anyway, be prepared for goose-bumps cause I'll be surprised if this one doesn't give you some!

Chris Rea - The Mention Of Your Name:

 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2023 1:20 pm 
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Gwendoline (1984).jpg
Gwendoline (1984).jpg [ 115.82 KiB | Viewed 523526 times ]

Women in chains, it's part of what makes the fetish of BDSM so incredibly popular!

I've not marked this one as NSFW cause it's not as if you'd watch Gwendoline at work anyway, not unless you're an overnight security guard and there's no one around to catch you watching it on duty (and let's face it, we all know you're gonna watch it after seeing the thumbnail and getting a taste of that catchy classical music-inspired soundtrack)!

You're only human after all ...

Pierre Bachelet - A Pikao:

 Post subject: Re: Let’s talk music
PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:19 am 
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