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What Will You Do?
I'll buy DUST if I can afford her.  50%  50%  [ 1 ]
I'll buy RIDDER if I can afford her.  50%  50%  [ 1 ]
I'll buy DUST if I don't have to sell my SP to pay for her.  0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I'll buy RIDDER if I don't have to sell my SP to pay for her.  0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I'll not be buying a humanoid robot under any circumstances.  0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I'll test in person before making a decision.  0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 2
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 Post subject: Creepy Cool - What Will You Do?
PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2022 3:40 pm 
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Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:00 am
Posts: 1170
The DUST Robot:
DUST Robot.jpg
DUST Robot.jpg [ 118.35 KiB | Viewed 5250 times ]

The RIDDER Robot:
RIDDER Robot.jpg
RIDDER Robot.jpg [ 119.47 KiB | Viewed 5250 times ]

I'll be the first to admit that when it comes to the whole 'Robot' thing, I've had my doubts about it for various reasons. I often watch documentaries, because as much as the whole idea of them scares me, I've always been fascinated by how quickly the quality of these robots advance in behaviour and realism.

That said, one of the biggest doubts I had was when the developers of these robots would talk about manufacturing techniques and AI that would make it impossible for you to distinguish a robot from a human even when stood right in front of one, "eye-to-eye" so to speak.

I always used to laugh at those statements, thinking that anyone dumb enough to be fooled by a robot and not be aware of it, would have to be a complete and utter imbecile. That's just never going to happen, not in our lifetime anyway.

Well that's what I thought, but I was wrong. I just saw two short movies where these robots are so damn good they're using them as actresses to prove the point. The main "woman" in both of these shorts are actually robots, and man, you have to admit they're pretty damn incredible!

They appear to be keeping the manufacturers names of these robots quiet for now (presumably due to NDA), but the first one generally goes by the name of "DUST", and the second one by the name of "RIDDER" (presumably named after the producers of these short movies).

Personally I think they both look completely authentic, I really do, but DUST is definitely the superiour robot when it comes to the way she behaves. I mean wow, she really is completely human-like in every possible way. RIDDER though, amazing as she is, still has a sort of 'robot' thing going on, and to be honest, comes across as a little bit scary!

Either way, not gonna lie, I think both robots are hot as hell and I tell you what, at this rate, it'll probably only be another ten years or so until these robots are readily available for sale to the general public! I'm guessing they'll cost about the same as a cheap car when they first arrive, but like everything else that sells well, they will fall in price over time making them easily affordable. Either way, I really am very impressed by these two, and to be honest I'd buy either one of them providing they sort the behaviour protocol out first and make them completely obedient, which after all is what you expect from a robot, right?

As hard as it has gotten now, we must never forget that these are robots, not humans!

Anyway, poll attached, and me, well I'm voting options 1 and 2 of course ... :mrgreen:
Photographers are going to be in heaven when these robots are released!!!

The DUST Robot:

The RIDDER Robot:

 Post subject: Re: Creepy Cool - What Will You Do?
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2022 10:06 am 
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Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:00 am
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Nice to see the SP-FORUM members joining-in the fun with a vote :roll:

Yeah, well be like that, but just you wait until robots like these have actually been released, you'll be voting then alright, cause you'll be voting on whether robots should have rights!

 Post subject: Re: Creepy Cool - What Will You Do?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:57 pm 
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Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:00 am
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Now that's progress for you, a 0% increase in the voting frenzy, I mean bloody hell, you would think at least Zindan would log in with one of his alts and get a vote in!

I was even being generous by allowing two votes each :mrgreen:

 Post subject: Re: Creepy Cool - What Will You Do?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:40 pm 
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I see my suspicions and predictions are spot on (as usual):

 Post subject: Re: Creepy Cool - What Will You Do?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 4:33 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:38 pm
Posts: 460
this isn't directed as hate, just outlining some things and have a genuine question.

50% of your posts are in freedom of speech, 0% of your posts have been beats.

almost 100% of what you put in FoS is weird links and conspirital topics that no one engages with for more than 4 responses or no responses at all... so my question is (no hate) why not join a forum with people who agree and share your views or whatever and talk about that shit because its kind of lame seeing theres a new post to the forum but ends up being a rant about clouds, amazon, robots, politicians. You end up posting something and then talk to yourself about it and how others wont engage, doesn't that send a bit of a hint?

why not save that for somewhere else and keep this place somewhat still related to the sp and other cool music related stuff

 Post subject: Re: Creepy Cool - What Will You Do?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:18 pm 
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The reason I post such threads under 'Freedom of Speech' is because they are not related to beat making. If I'd posed them in the wrong parts of the forum then you would at least have some reason to make such comments.

Unfortunately, your comment is typical of the sort of problem we face. You're quite prepared to spend time dismissing the efforts of those who are trying their best to make others aware of what is going on in this world, but you are not prepared to accept that what is being spoken about is fact and not "Conspiracy".

The fact that you even use the term "Conspiracy" when this stuff is being spoken directly from the mouths of these psychopaths, demonstrates just how dangerously indoctrinated and brain-washed people are.

And just so you know, while I've certainly posted more serious threads, this specific thread was really only posted as a bit of fun. I saw the videos and thought it might liven-up the dead forum with a bit of off-topic debate, that's all.

My bumping the thread is nothing more than sarcasm, it makes no difference to me whether people engage or not. Engagement is only ever a concern for sheeple, because sheeple always need to feel popular, needed, or agreed with. So believe me bro, if I was in any way bothered about any "hint" that could be taken away from lack of participation by fellow members, I would have shut-up long ago.

One thing you learn pretty fast is that being open about such things does not make you popular, mainly because almost everyone out there are supporting the abusers (Amazon etc).

So I don't post this stuff to be popular, I post it out of necessity, and unlike the sheeple out there, I'm quite prepared to keep making myself more and more unpopular as a result. I have what is known as 'good ethics' and 'a sound conscience', and I won't be apologising for having either.

As for not posting any beats, bruh, I still participate in the voting and if it were not for corporates like Roland being convinced that they should depend on a fucking dictatorship for their ICs, then I'd probably already have an SP-404MKII and would be producing stuff with it!

 Post subject: Re: Creepy Cool - What Will You Do?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 8:49 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:38 pm
Posts: 460
life's too short, each to their own, no hate :)

 Post subject: Re: Creepy Cool - What Will You Do?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:58 am 
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Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:00 am
Posts: 1170
No hate here either, although the whole point that your life will be even shorter (and not worth living anyway unless people wake the fuck up), appears to have gone right over your head.

Making posts such as I do on forums that are dedicated to such discussions, would be completely pointless. The people who frequent such forums do so because they are already aware of what is going on and the threat it poses to humanity.

The problem we face is that we have the press, social media and the tech giants (all of them W.E.F. members) auto-deleting and surpressing anything and everything they choose, and therefore opportunities MUST to be taken by individuals such as myself (and yourself) to make people aware of what is going on, and we have no option than to do that in places away from their censorship.

It's like I said in the other thread, sheeple couldn't give a fuck, but they'll give a fuck when they're FORCED to allow an implant into their body. People need to wake the fuck up and start being proactive if they know what's good for them, for their freedom, and for their children.

The fact that parents these days are so FUCKING irresponsible that they willingly took their child for a jab (a jab being enforced by a group of psychopaths that have openly admitted they are trying to control the population and have even granted immunity to the makers of these "vaccines"), completely blows my fucking mind.

All of those vaccine makers are W.E.F. members of course :!: :!: :!:

In my opinion, ANY parent dumb enough to subject their child to such an OBVIOUS population cull, are irresponsible to the extreme and should not be allowed ANYWHERE NEAR a child since they have proven themselves to be a danger to its well-being. It's one thing to allow yourself to be subjected to it (because YOU get to pay for YOUR own stupidity), but to subject someone else to it is another thing entirely.

A child depends on its parents to protect it, yet here we have parents dropping their kids off to clinics for a jab ordered by the worlds most dangerous psychopaths. These types of parents are usually the sort that shop at abusers like Amazon and allow Amazon's, Google's and Facebook's spy devices into their home, thereby willingly subjecting their family to surveilance by these psychopathic monsters.

The child thinks it's a harmless toy of course, not realising that everything it does and says in front of it, every pattern of behaviour, will be subjected to an algorithm and used against it in adult life (whenever and wherever the state finds it in it's favour to do so).


And you know what the most EXCRUTIATING thing of all is? It is that people are so INCREDIBLY FUCKING STUPID that they have not even asked themselves WHY a group of psychopaths (the W.E.F. who have publicly admitted that they are hell-bent on culling the population), would actually WANT to "save" anyone with a "vaccine" in a plan-demic anyway!!!

Surely a fucking vaccine would go against EVERYTHING they stand for? Of course we now know that the plan-demic and "vaccine" is doing exactly what they wanted it to do (cull the population), but of course, due to them having complete control over social media and the press, the amount of deaths being caused is not getting out there to the puplic!


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