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 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:33 am 
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Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:20 pm
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^ yes
ebay might be a cheaper option if you know exactly what vinyls youre looking out for . plenty of ebay seller's just wanna get rid

The last thing we need is another utube sampling digital lo-fi anime beat maker.

IIIII wrote:
he can turn water into a beat, and feed a thousand dancehalls with only two drumbreaks

"If you want that '90s sound, record at 12 bit as HOT as you can."

 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:32 pm 
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I always change the stickers to make em cheaper.


 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 11:14 pm 
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KIYANI wrote:
I always change the stickers to make em cheaper.

homie of mine does this, also shoves 45s in lp sleeves, also known to shove 45s in his trousers.

The last thing we need is another utube sampling digital lo-fi anime beat maker.

IIIII wrote:
he can turn water into a beat, and feed a thousand dancehalls with only two drumbreaks

"If you want that '90s sound, record at 12 bit as HOT as you can."

 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:29 am 
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^ "trousers"


well there's a will there's a way . no pun intended :lol: :lol: :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:08 pm 
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Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:42 pm
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Location: Des Moines, WA
Think I'm done with greedy thrift stores & bland damaged records. Found a much better source for cheaper records and plenty of quality. Might decide to get rid of some, or not?

Livin my life in da underground

 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 5:08 pm 
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Hey man... PM me if you want to trade a stack of shit records for a stack of shit records. I've been working through a box of throw-away's, and I'm finding that there is a good number of them that I find no redeeming value in. It would be interesting to trade 10-20 shit records with someone else just for some fun free listening/discovery.

The Falling Man’s Parachute - 21 min., graphic novel inspired concept album


 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:02 pm 
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You’re literally so close we could just meet up. I might have about a dozen I’d swap, but I’m down to pay cash if you can get me a descent deal. We should make a beat too.

Livin my life in da underground

 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:00 am 
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^ yes
ebay might be a cheaper option if you know exactly what vinyls youre looking out for . plenty of ebay seller's just wanna get rid

sorry for bumping an old thread, but this shit really is a bitch lol. It pisses me off that vinyl is becoming "trendy" again, and a bunch of dumb kids are buying piece of shit portable turntables that destroy their records. JUST TO BE COOL. not even ever hearing the term "analog" in their life lmfao.... anyways hipsters and trendy, poser kids can do whatever they want, no skin off my bones, it ain't about judging people. it's that they're fuckin up the economy of it all!!! lmfao. when i was younger, i used to be able to get records for TWENTY FIVE CENTS sometimes SHIT. now it's at least $2.

if you find a really good record shop (def gonna be independently owned) with a collector that actually puts effort and care into his collection, it's worth the extra cash. other than those tiny exceptions, the market is fucked and it's annoying as hell.

The last thing we need is another utube sampling digital lo-fi anime beat maker.

IIIII wrote:
he can turn water into a beat, and feed a thousand dancehalls with only two drumbreaks

 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:29 am 
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Sometimes when you’re poor, you’re poor. You tell yourself “I got only $20. Where will I get the most records in my local area for my cash?”. There’s a few good record shops in your area, but they’re out to milk you, because they got a business to run. So for the time being, you decided to try the thrift shops because you would hope records would be cheap. Well, most thrift shops are run by a local business that gives back to the local community. So those Records that pretty much your grandparents would listen to, were the ones that got donated. All the rock, pop, jazz, & hip hop you’d rather dig & find are slim pickings. So you dig through the bs and you pick 20 records you hope are a buck. The teller informs you “no, they’re $3 a record” (even though the cover looks like it got chewed on by rats. The thrift store doesn’t care, because they’re trying to make $ off of donations). So there went your $20. You walked out with 7, not 20. Have a nice day.

Now, if you haven’t ever been that broke when you wanted to dig, but didn’t have the budget to walk out like Dillah, or Dre, or Madlib, or your favorite producer that digs, then I guess you get anything you want because you’re the only child of your family. But if you had to spend your money on rent, bills, food, some girlfriend who plays you like a fiddle, etc, etc, and that $20 was all you had to go digging with, you’d want to feel like you found some gold needles from a haystack, ya feel me?

Livin my life in da underground

 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 4:25 pm 
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^this post reads like a verse about record digging. U need to spit this with a beat under it and turn it into a track.

Depends on ur purpose for digging. If u r looking for valuable records, ur usually gonna pay for em. If ur trying to find a gem of 30 seconds worth of beatmaking gold from a shitty beat down old record that sounds like shit over 70-80% of it, then u can still come up for relatively cheap. To me, that’s where the art of sampling lies. Not in finding a dope recording and then looping different 2-4 bar sections of it. There aren’t really that many “good” songs left that haven’t already been “discovered” and sampled numerous times. There “r” however an infinite number of ways to “flip” ugly discarded garbage into “audio gold”. :idea: :arrow: :!: :?:

The $5 mixtape challenge is back. 8)

The Falling Man’s Parachute - 21 min., graphic novel inspired concept album


 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:05 pm 
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Oddly enough, there’s a Goodwill thrift shop that’s closing up at the end of August. Wish I could care, but I don’t except to dig in whatever is left, unless it’s all 50% off. I don’t know why they’re closing down that location, but I got fed up with their prices for records I’m not even wanting to take home. You don’t expect valuable records. If you want classical, Christmas/Seasonal records, and a little bit of country if you’re lucky, I guess you go there. But nobody’s gonna donate their complete Iron Maiden records to Goodwill I promise you!

Livin my life in da underground

 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 11:38 pm 
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For the most part, Thrift shops, antique stores, and vintage boutiques aren't gonna have shit. But, every blue moon you come up on a find.
Once I found a pair of Yamaha NS-10 studio monitors in a Salvation Army for $30 for the pair. I thought for sure the tweeters would be blown but thought they may be able to be salvaged. I hooked them up and they worked perfect. It was a grail find. A couple years later I sold them to a friend who works at a record shop for $200 (at the time I was moving and needed dough.)

Another time I found a bunch of drum break grails on 45 at a local Goodwill. Picked up Winstons- Amen, Lee Dorsey - Get Out My Life Woman, and the Apache break from Arawak, Incredible Bongo Band. All these were 25 cents each. Also some good dollar records that had dope loops.

So yeah, you can find the stuff. It's worth poking your nose through once in awhile. 9 times out of 10, you will be let down. But when you score, it's that much more rewarding.

The same can be said for local craigslist listings.

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 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 12:20 am 
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At least with CL, you’re probably buying from another collector who isn’t going to waste your time with records your grandparents relaxed to. They probably have what you might want. If they’re listening on CL they’re likely moving, need the extra space, need to repair their vehicle or something along those lines. I’d be even down for garage sale digging, but that all depends on who is selling off what.

Livin my life in da underground

 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2019 1:45 pm 
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MattCoops wrote:

Another time I found a bunch of drum break grails on 45 at a local Goodwill. Picked up Winstons- Amen, Lee Dorsey - Get Out My Life Woman, and the Apache break from Arawak, Incredible Bongo Band. All these were 25 cents each. Also some good dollar records that had dope loops.

This is the most beautiful loop digga story I've ever heard in my life
:cry: :cry: :cry:

The last thing we need is another utube sampling digital lo-fi anime beat maker.

IIIII wrote:
he can turn water into a beat, and feed a thousand dancehalls with only two drumbreaks

 Post subject: Re: Thrift Shops are getting greedy
PostPosted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:08 pm 
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Headphones wrote:
Think I'm done with greedy thrift stores & bland damaged records. Found a much better source for cheaper records and plenty of quality. Might decide to get rid of some, or not?

Honestly, I feel you. There's a lot of garbage (for a sampling head that is) that is dumped at thrift stores that is mostly completely useless for sample based music / 90s era or lofi hiphop beats. It's almost impossible to determine this just by looking at a cover, reading a band name or looking at some of the text on the cover. You're also very likely going to be the 20th person to dig through the piles of records nobody wants.

Some of my best finds were hidden very deep, part of buying a huge record collection online secondhand (something like eBay / craigslist, but a local one). Still has loads of trash I can do very little with, except for the tiniest of samples. Forget about loops though. You'll need some of the better soul or jazz records for that. And some of the older stuff, is truly old (50s 60s era). It's unlikely going to fit in modern music production.

At the same time I have to admit I'm not even that great at finding loops even on great records and I do think some people can turn almost anything into sampled gold. But the whole thrift store thing selling records at $5 a piece with 99 out of 100 being trash is definitely frustrating. Definitely has made me invest more in sample packs and record actual instruments or sounds myself. I had more use from walking around town with a ZOOM H2N, than any of my latest hours of digging in what really were simply terrible records to sample from.

Yes, occasionally you will find useful drum breaks or like a snare, separate hi-hat or kick or even the worst records, but imagine finding only a barely usable snare on a single record. It's funny people mention Christmas records. I also came across a lot of 'top40' style collections. I have like 6 records featuring Michael Jackson's Beat It, 4 records with Staying Alive, etc... No more 'song collections' for me if I can avoid it. But I will continue to buy some secondhand collections online I think regardless.

"A man who misses his opportunity, and a monkey who misses his branch,
cannot be saved."

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