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Author:  Unfolding [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  VOTE: BATTLE 113!

The samples were:
The Rattles - Geraldine
Billy Green & Doug Parkinson - Cosmic Flash Song

The submissions are:
Gis Sweden - AnnoyingLoopQuickFlip
a.D. - Fatigue
Eisendaht - battle 113
EndorShores - battle 113
Teewok - Battle 113
(A)sh(a) C - Battle 113
Taac (aka 7ac) - Beat Battle 113
Unfolding Machines - Dumb Phone

Lots to listen to this round plus a couple of 1st timers, should be a close call to see who's flip is the freshest! Voting is open until Friday the 4th of May.

Author:  Unfolding [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

It was a toss up between a.D. & EndorShores. Voted a.D. because his track sounded a little smoother.

2 cents time...
Gis - Again, nice resampling job (especially with the reverb & stereo panning). Pity you couldn't spend much more time on it.
a.D. - killer vibe & swing, really like the lo-fi production. It sounds like you found it on an old cassette. Classy track, this beat needs an MC.
Eisendraht - first thought was dusty. The beat took a little to get used to, but the way it feels like its always falling over itelf is held together by the almost hypnotic drones. Interesting track. But what was the deal with the 5 minute MP3?
EndorShores - great drums, sounds like a sad war song with the way you zoned into the strings.
Teewok - ...and here's the avante garde entry. Took a couple of listens to realise you were playing with tempo, once that clicked I started to really get into what you were doing here.
Asha C - for a 4th track using your SP, this shows some real promise. You clearly understand the concept of 'chopping'. With a little more practice (try looking at a little resampling & layering your samples with more room between them) you'll be putting together some great beats with your SP.
Taac - whoah! This is some kind of Pac Man nightmare level beat. Weird as hell. Like how you messed with the rhythms.

Author:  ellaguru [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

damn EndorShores tracks is written "404 file not found"...another one of those souncloud bugs...
hot tracks guys!
i'll vote when i can listen also EndorS one

little spam: guys, vote on the OC Blind Test challenge please

Author:  URASUN [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

As always i go with a.D. Dope Beat.
Interesting beats from all of you.

@Unfolding Machines
I was suprised by my own track as well, although i would wish it would have been less "dusty".
mostly im on the run so my setup is really basic, i use technics headphones which aren´t monitors, so my sound most times gets really "dusty" because im not used to the headphones. At home im using beyerdynamics monitor headphones which make a huge difference. sorry about the 5 min track, i switched to linux and started using open source software which im not that used to either, so my ardour export came out like this.

peace :D

Author:  Unfolding [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

ellaguru wrote:
damn EndorShores tracks is written "404 file not found"...another one of those souncloud bugs...
hot tracks guys!
i'll vote when i can listen also EndorS one

little spam: guys, vote on the OC Blind Test challenge please

Sorry Ellaguru, that was my fault. Fixed the link. Vote away!

Author:  ellaguru [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

i ended up voting for AD, very solid track.
but Unfolding/Endors/Tee were very colsed!

c'mon vote in the Blind Test O.C. please!

Author:  a.D. [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

My favorite is endor's- you really got those drums knocking,nice pattern with the drums too..& i really dig the melody of the strings,surprised you haven't got a vote yet.Other ones i like a lot are unfoldings,gis',tee's,and taac's(really impressive drum work)...these were the ones that stood out the most to me,dope beats all around though.i really appreciate the kind words and votes on mine so far-- wish i woulda had time to add a change up before the hook comes back in and turned those damn kicks up though.don't know what i was thinking with them being so low. Dope battle,and again,really nice sample choices....

Author:  asha c [ Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

@unfolding machines Thanks unfolding machines for the feedback, really appreciate it.I actually made the track using resampling and just played each section as a sample hit, if that makes sense? The room between samples tip is a great bit of advice , nice one.

So difficult to choose just one. I really loved them all.
UNFOLDING MACHINES :loved the sluggish, off kilterness to the beat. Almost mechanical but at the same time the snare lag really pushes it forward.Great track

a.D Loved the track, had a real nice sparkle to it. The guitar samples were particularly sweet. Nice laid back groove. Loved the recording of it too, had that lofi tape feel.

TAAC Amazing total reconstruction of the samples. A real different approach. I really liked the glitchy bit crushing. Gets my vote because it was totally unexpected and refreshing to hear something like this from those samples.

Apologies for the non feedback on other tracks, I only gave feedback on these ones to help me decide which one I wanted to vote for as these were my top 3.
Keep up the good work everyone, loved all of them.

Author:  CHICKADEE [ Tue May 01, 2012 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

yo, I'm new on the forum . I have just 1 question , Can we vote if we had not participed to this battle ? (send me in pm and delete this message ;)

Author:  MDX [ Tue May 01, 2012 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

not really sure how unfolding machines didnt get another vote other than mine.

his flow was chilling on this track!

nice work U :!: M

Author:  gis_sweden [ Wed May 02, 2012 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

a.D. – winner
Eisendaht - intriguing. You wait for something that never happens…
EndorShores - nice intro and strings. The strings works fine with the drums.
Teewok - Good work
Asha C - You made a nice beat indeed. 4th track. Wow.
Taac – First battle. Welcome. Nice to hear someone step out from the hip-hop-box… :wink:
Unfolding Machines - Strange and changing track. I think this thing is 2nd for me. I like the ending
What about my own track. Self-criticism :oops: I can live with “the annoying loop” but the mix of the track is… not good. Doesn’t work at all if you listen with computer speakers. The high-hats dominates. With some more time it could have worked.

Author:  Unfolding [ Wed May 02, 2012 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

MDX wrote:
not really sure how unfolding machines didnt get another vote other than mine.

his flow was chilling on this track!

nice work U :!: M

Thanks dude! I'm busy creating 37 fake memberships who'll all vote at the last moment. Promise it won't look suspect when it happens... :wink:

Author:  CHICKADEE [ Wed May 02, 2012 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: VOTE: BATTLE 113!

Vote for Teewok
My favorite drum flow and i like the short chop + the string in background. Good evolution of the riddim and favorite mix :wink:

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