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Author:  t f a [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BATTLE 121 POLL!

Runme_Raw wrote:
Normally i make my music with fruity loops. (got my sp 2 months now)
When work on the pc with a DAW , i always want it sound clean and ready for some vocals and recording etc.....very normal and lame structure.
But on the sp i am on another world :oops:
On the sp i work with the total opposit idea ( Raw and Chaos).

But yes your right , in the next battle i will try to keep more headbounce instead of headchaos...

Thanks for the insights: as a listener, I am able to grasp but a tiny amount of the concepts and decisions that stand behind any piece of music, totally unaware of the ideas and experiences of its author.

If you chose the 'raw and chaotic' path for your sp-music, as a form of liberation from the 'lame' and rigid structure that often burden daw-based music, I totally respect your decision, and I ask you to refrain from changing your attitude.

There's no point in abiding to arbitrary and somehow restrictive rules just to meet other people's expectations... many who tried to do so have miserably failed, and even worst have lost excitement producing their own music.

The sp is all about the workflow, if you found one you are comfortable with, go ahed and express yourself, anybody who will listen to your music will be more than happy to listen to the best yourself you can express, be it two minutes of something that sounds like trying to tune an FM radio, or a great loop that comes out of nowhere and impresses for its raw beauty and cohesiveness.

@ellaguru: I'm just an sp fan :D

Author:  kel [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BATTLE 121 POLL!

waaah I didn't get to vote, been so damn busy.... still haven't even heard all of them yet

Author:  LAZER BEAR [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BATTLE 121 POLL!

so its a tie between IIIII and ellaguru, how will the winner be determined?

Author:  ellaguru [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BATTLE 121 POLL!

i'm late too...
thanks for all the partecipants involved.
good effort by everyone.
i have not enough time to tell a critic for every track.
i invite you to read what tfa wrote.
IIIII if you're ok go ahead with another battle, i'm suddenly very busy at the moment...

Author:  AGE [ Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BATTLE 121 POLL!

Damn.. Never got around to voting either. Well, for what it's worth, it came down between asha and ella for me. Good shit everyone.. I enjoyed em all

Author:  IIIII [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BATTLE 121 POLL!

Cool ill have something up tonight

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