
D beam and MFX at the same time
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Author:  symmatik [ Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  D beam and MFX at the same time

Hi guys, I'm kinda new to the board (I used to post under preqwal, but this is my new side project)

Just wondering, if you can use both the D-beam filter effect and the MFX at the same time?

I've just ordered an sp555 and haven't received it yet to try.

Author:  paranox [ Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: D beam and MFX at the same time

Yes, you can use them at the same time.

Author:  blavatsky [ Tue Dec 23, 2014 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D beam and MFX at the same time

random D-beam trick i just tried, worked pretty well (a little off topic)

-Play D-beam, choose one of the less awful sounds
-Turn on MFX for chromatic pitch shift (the one where you can choose 2 notes)
-Apply MFX to D-Beam synth
-Hold hand steady-ish on a note, tune the 2 pitches to a chord, ie hold a C on d-beam, tune in an Eb and a G for a cminor
-Resample/loop capture that to a pad....repeat to create as many chords if you want

* if you want to get fancy, now take one of those samples, and apply the pitch shift again to it to get complex chords (ie, minor9, maj6) based on theory - now you have a 5 note chords

Then apply bit crush / vinyl sim to dirty them up...and so on

Author:  symmatik [ Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: D beam and MFX at the same time

That is some awesome tip dude!

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