
My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224
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Author:  Headphones [ Sat May 10, 2014 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

I slept all morning after working the previous night, with not much to do, but wait for the UPS dude to arrive with my new ST224. By about 3pm, I hear a knock on the door, and he hands me the box with my new sampler. I set it up with audio in's from a Korg Kaoss mini synth, just to test it. It had some samples pre-loaded in, but some I'd doubt I'd use. Can I erase those? And I didn't care for the demo tune it came with. I'm wondering if that can be deleted as well to free up some memory. It's not a huge deal breaker if it can't be done, but I'll have to wait until the 16th before I can order some SmartMedia cards...So having some free room would be nice.

:? :?:

Author:  commercial [ Sat May 10, 2014 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

I'm pretty sure there is a button combination to bring the demo back if you delete it (think you press special and playlist).

But yeah otherwise, just erase everything and start putting your own stuff in. To delete all samples hold special and press erase, then I think you hit erase again.
to delete patterns, hold special and press the delete key under the screen. You can then check your free space by pressing capacity, if its all good do a save to internal or to a card bank and you'll have a blank palette to start working.

Author:  lodger [ Sun May 11, 2014 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

hold special and delete while the sampler is loading to start with a blank slate :)

Author:  commercial [ Sun May 11, 2014 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

lodger wrote:
hold special and delete while the sampler is loading to start with a blank slate :)

Nice, didn't know that. Saves some time.

Author:  lodger [ Sun May 11, 2014 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

glad that helps. a trick i use is to set a blank as my default with it set to allow audio in to be monitored along with auto recording turned on. makes it a much slicker workflow and really fast to get into the groove

Author:  Headphones [ Sun May 11, 2014 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

Thanks, but I'm going to at least back up the samples on a SM card first. What about the deleting of the "song" when you play the demo? And how come I heard some samples that I couldn't hear on the pads?

Author:  lodger [ Sun May 11, 2014 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

regarding the demo sounds, you can always restore those, but feel free to do as you'd like with your demo sounds, etc. I'm not sure if there are any samples in the st that you can't access; i hadnt been aware of this previously

to delete a pattern (called a song, hit special and delete when you have that song loaded. this will clear the pattern. ) also if you hit special and copy, you can copy a pattern from one of the 8 banks to another. this makes it really easy to build on or develop new sections based on established grooves or motifs.

Author:  MattCoops [ Wed May 14, 2014 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

Just watch out pressing load instead of save. It puts the demo sounds back on and your samples are gone. I've done this by accident a couple times and it sucks!

Author:  Rodney [ Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

I got a guestion about ST too. So if you midi-connect it with a drum machine (say a DR-660) can you play the drums on the 8 pads and record that session on st2x4?

Author:  ellaguru [ Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

theorically yes, but in reality this is a mistery to me...i use to midi the st224 with different machines (Yamaha an200, Roland mc909, Boss dr202),or softwares (ableton live) and it works fine, but i got also a DR660 and NO WAY to make things working...the sync works, the 224 pads respond but they are gated, so i hear milliseconds of samples...the dr660 works with other machines so that's not the problem...normally, the 224 works only in gate mode when is midied, but i tried everything and the 2 machines don't work...i thought it was a velocity problem (the 224 doesn't receive velocity command) but i also tried a soft found on the ST forum, wich allows the 224 to receive velocity, but without succes...i also put the dr660 on velocity max, but the problem still remains...
if you find the solution hit me up!

Author:  Rodney [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

i didnt fully understand all that,sorry for my bad english.
i dont want use dr-660 as the sequencer, i want to play dr-660 sounds on st-224 and record it in real time(so i dont have to sample the drums,saving space). about to get a dr660 and find out.i read the manual and didnt find anything..

Author:  ellaguru [ Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

Rodney wrote:
i didnt fully understand all that,sorry for my bad english.
i dont want use dr-660 as the sequencer, i want to play dr-660 sounds on st-224 and record it in real time(so i dont have to sample the drums,saving space). about to get a dr660 and find out.

so you wnat to use the 660 to trigger the 224 pads, right? this is theorically possible, but for some reason this not happens...i tried every papameters but the 2 machinse don't comunicate well...

Rodney wrote:
i read the manual and didnt find anything..

the 660 manual or the 224 one?
all the 2 manuals are anyway well explained...

Author:  commercial [ Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224


Author:  formal [ Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

Sampletrak only works in gate mode while midi'd. You will need to sequence it with something that can hold a note duration instead of just "trigger" a one shot.

Author:  ellaguru [ Thu Jun 12, 2014 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My 1st question on my Zoom ST 224

formal wrote:
Sampletrak only works in gate mode while midi'd. You will need to sequence it with something that can hold a note duration instead of just "trigger" a one shot.

formal,man, unfortunately i've also tried that yet as i explained above (it works with my an200,mc909 and dr202); also, the dr660 triggers sustained notes (gated notes) too, but someway it doesn't works with the 224...if you have other soulutions go ahead...i also tried that obscure soft that is supposed to allow midi velocity to the 224 but without success...

commercial wrote:
Just trying to play st224 for the first time using midi and am having the same problem as you Ella. I'm using an sr16. Like you mentioned, I can tell it's synced correctly but can only get a millisecond of sample to play. Trying everything but nothing seems to work... Anybody got any tips?

i also tried the sr16 some months ago in a pawn shop where they left me use it coupled with the st224, and i couldn't make things working, so i didn't bought it...same thing with a zoom rt 323 (that was strange, same label but it didn't work) but it worked succesfully with the alesis sr18 and the akai xr20, at a friend of mine studio's...the rt323 worked fine with the sr18 and the xr20...weird...
...one of this days i have to make a comparison between the sr18,xr20 with dr660,sr16 manuals to see if there is a little detail or a difference that could make things working...

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